Accurate Technologies
Accurate Technologies



ATI Press Releases

Novi, Michigan, USA - 20th August, 2020

Meticulously Recrafted - VISION Data Analyzer (VDA) 3.0

VISION Data Analyzer
Analyzing data is a critical step in any development cycle, and it is often necessary to work with larger and larger file sizes. Accurate Technologies Inc. (ATI), being a company founded by Engineers, understands the needs and requirements of a modern data analysis tool. Having years of industry experience and working in the automotive and aerospace sectors has provided valuable insight to what really matters to the customer. 

Using that approach ATI introduces VISION Data Analyzer (VDA) 3.0, a 64-bit application specifically designed for viewing industry standard MDF4 file formats of any size. VISION Calibration and Data Acquisition Software is now capable of exporting and recording directly to the MDF4 format. Opening .REC files in VDA automatically converts them to MDF files and allows the viewing of recorded data that would normally have been too large for viewing within VISION. The methodology of VDA 3.0 provides users the ability to view and analyze data sets that would not be possible in a 32-bit application. 

VDA Display presents each recorder file as an independent layout tab containing pages with graphs and side windows. Layout tabs are designed to be detached (float mode) outside the applications framework or docked to various locations within the framework workspace. Page layouts can contain up to sixteen independently configured graphs. Configurations consists of resizing, adding, removing, renaming, configuring graph color themes, and adding/removing additional Y-axes. 

VDA only loads the channels that are needed from the file to optimize performance.  Data sets have become extremely large, containing thousands of channels, while most users only require a subset of those channels.  By only loading the desired channels, users will be able to efficiently utilize and better manage PC memory resources. 

Configuration is made simple in VDA by allowing the user to save overlay configurations into a VDA project file (VDAP).  This preserves the overlay configuration so that the user can open a VDAP and still manipulate the overlay. This has been one of the most highly requested features by our customers and is now available in VDA. VDAP projects can be packaged into a zip file, making it much easier to share the overlaid set of files. Enhanced export options have been added, including the ability to perform a partial export of a VDAP overlay data set to an entirely new VDAP file that contains just the desired subset of data. 

Ensuring a familiar User Interface (UI) was a critical factor in modeling VDA after the popular VISION Rec Viewer.  Thus, providing a similar workflow and reducing the learning curve for the new application. ATI has been successful in retaining several features that users are accustom to having such as saving formatting information in the file so that it reopens the same way it was saved, importing VISION Rec Viewer layout files to reapply existing formatting to data, calculated channel support, and simple trace page navigation. 

VDA New UI features:

  • Floating Triggers and Markers windows that can be kept on the screen to enhance navigation functionality  
    Interactive floating cursor window that displays the current cursor positions and the time delta between the cursors  
  • New cursor modes, crosshair mode that provides X and Y crosshairs that track the cursor and highlight the axis values of the cursor position  
  • The horizontal scroll bar has several new features:  
    • The cursor positions are visible on the scroll bar making it easy to get to an off screen cursor  
    • Signals can be dragged to the scroll bar to provide an overview of the recording.  This allows the user to know where they are in the data file when zoomed in.  There are 3 size options for the height  
  • Hovering over a marker will show a tool tip of the marker details 
  • Notes have been enhanced with more formatting options 
  • Access to the alpha channel on color settings 

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